martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Samuel Blaser Quartet

As The Sea (2012)


Samuel Blaser: trombone
Marc Ducret: guitar
Bänz Oester: double bass
Gerald Cleaver: drums

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Samuel Blaser
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Samuel Blaser

5 comentarios:

Caballo De Fuerza dijo...

MORE Samuel Blaser HERE

Enjoy it.-

Pedido de colaboración:

Después de bajar el CD que les interesa, si lo desean y pueden hacerlo, descargar 1 archivo [SOLAMENTE UNO] de la siguiente lista

Muchas gracias.-

Request of collaboration:

After downloading the CD you are interested, if you wish, download 1 file [ONLY ONE] of the following list

Thank you very much.-

not SB dijo...

I don't know who Samuel Blaser is, never heard his music. And I probably will never get a chance to, but who cares. There's so much excellent music out there. Cheers and keep up the good work!

francisco santos dijo...

can you send the link to ''''..I'll keep it private Thank You Very Much....

Anónimo dijo...

He'll die in obscurity.

juan ant dijo...

Blaser is excellent´s important to be respectful to the musicians even when you think he is wrong.
Check him anyway and don´t be bitter or sarcastic ...He might don´t understand that there are music fans that don´t have access to his music.
Music is the Best