viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Joëlle Léandre 10

Can You Hear Me? (2016)


Jean-Luc Cappozzo: trumpet
Christiane Bopp: trombone
Alexandra Grimal: saxophones
Jean-Brice Godet: clarinets
Théo Ceccaldi: violin
Séverine Morfin: viola
Valentin Ceccaldi: cello
Guillaume Aknine: electric guitar
Joëlle Léandre: double bass
Florian Satche: drums, percussion

2 comentarios:

Ignoto Transversal dijo...

MORE Joëlle Léandre HERE

Enjoy it.- ♪ ♪ ♪

sachat54 dijo...

"As for other projects, further along the way, they will maybe never happen if sales remain as low as they have been the last two years." Stéphane Berland , who runs Ayler Records