sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Trio X [Joe McPhee|Dominic Duval|Jay Rosen]

The Watermelon Suite (1999)


Joe McPhee: soprano saxophone
Dominic Duval: double bass, Hutchins bass
Jay Rosen: drums, percussion 

6 comentarios:

Anonymous dijo...

Very good blog! Not everything is in my taste but Trio X's music makes an impression!
Thanx for it and the others.
Peace and love!

Anonymous dijo...

Qué buena versión de MY FUNNY...!!!! Ya valió la entrada a chusmear que hay de nuevo en tu excelente blog. Abrazo! Mariano

Anonymous dijo...

Thank you so much.
I'm grateful for The Watermelon Suite and Moods Playing With The Elements.
Excellent albums.
And now I see Frank Gratkowski.
You made my Sunday !!!
Keep on surprising me.

Procrastinator Procrustes

Ignoto Transversal dijo...


It is good to receive your comment on the music of the blog. For me it is very important to know the opinion of the visitors, certain is that other people feel the same, there are CDs that like more than others.

Be my guest always.

Greetings .-

Ignoto Transversal dijo...


Sos de la casa, chusmeá lo que te parezca. Sí es una original versión, coincidimos.

Gracias por dejar tu comentario.


Ignoto Transversal dijo...

Procrastinator Procrustes:

I am pleased to know that you are a member of Toy Enojau.

Great thing is that Frank Gratkowski and Trio X have made your Sunday.

Great pleasure to read your comment.
